Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Response from MS NH Seacoast Escape

Hi Mike,

Thank you so much for joining us this year at the NH Seacoast Escape! I hope you enjoyed your day, and will plan on joining us again next year! I just wanted to forward you an email I received from one of the cyclists…

Great ride Heidi, as always! Thanks for having Mike Card there this year. He was incredible! I see chiropractors regularly and none of them ever give me as much time as he did. It was by far the most thorough chiro visit I’ve ever had! I’m a big fan of chiropractors, so long as they’re “new-school” chiropractors. There are still a lot out there that just want to crack your back and move on. The good ones do ART, Graston, and other muscle/tissue work. Those ones are good to have around.

I thought you might enjoy that! Have a great day!
Heidi Roy
Director of Development
National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Monday, August 13, 2012

Say Hello at the Seacoast Escape Ride

I will be at Stratham Hill Park this Saturday doing PNF stretches, Active Release, and AIS stretching with tired cyclists after the bike ride. Come say hello and raise money for a worthy cause.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Say Hello to Card Chiropractic Care at Newmarket Old Home Days

Ryan Lochte Why Has He Improved So Much?

At an interview with eurosport television, the gold medal swimmer was asked what was the major difference between the 2008 Olympics and this year? He attributes most of his improvement on cleaning up his diet. Up to the 2008 Olympics he would eat McDonald's 10 days straight, but since cleaning up his diet, he feels much faster. Just another example of good in=good out. (real scientific there).
Hi-res-147543203_crop_exact Jamie Squire/Getty Images