Thursday, April 28, 2011

King of Fruit

The Mango! Woo Hoo! Here is a nice article from the NYT that has more than one reason why the mango is king of fruit. "the mango is not high in calories, and it is an excellent source of beta carotene, vitamin A and potassium. Now is the time to get acquainted with them: although they’re in season from January to August, mangoes peak in May and June"

Bottom line: its time to eat a mango.
Try the Ataulfo/champagne mango:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chiropractic For Migraine

Recent studies from Norway's Akershus University Hospital are showing that chiropractic among other manual therapies is just as effective as popular migraine medicines propranolol and topiramate. Not to mention the awesome side effects of chiropractic.....a maximally functioning nervous system!

Cardiorespiratory Fitness Vs. Leisure-time Physical Activity

Mowing the lawn and sweeping the floors are great, but are they as good as getting that heartbeat up? Several studies say cardiorespiratory fitness is a greater indicator for mortality prevention. In the past there have been studies showing the better performance in the maximal treadmill test the better lower the chances of cardiovascular mortality. Now in a large study, they are showing the maximal treadmill test is a better predictor than leisure physical activity for all causes or mortality. So, get out enjoy the day, and get that heartbeat up.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ice Vs. Heat LBP

Sooooo.... I stole this from another website, but its such a great summary.

Ice or Heat for Herniated Discs / Which to Use?

Ice is an anti-inflammatory agent which will reduce swelling and temporarily retard circulation when applied. Ice is also an anesthetic agent and will reduce pain in muscular tissues. However, ice will also enact a reflex response as the body reacts to the cold by expanding blood flow to the affected area.

Heat increases cellular activity and circulation. Heat loosens tight muscles and helps in the removal of cellular waste products, due to increased blood flow.

For most injuries, ice is recommended for the first 24 to 48 hours and heat is recommended from then on. Ice should be left on for 15 to 20 minutes at a time and the area should be allowed to warm for at least 30 minutes between applications. Heat can be applied liberally and is especially effective when wet heat is utilized.

Friday, April 1, 2011

+1 Chocolate Milk!

I love chocolate milk. More and more studies are showing that it makes a great recovery drink. The protein, calcium, and carbs help in muscle repair. While the coco helps neutralize free radical production from exercise.

Here one of many good articles about how it compared to carbohydrate drinks.